Friday, April 24, 2015


    This chapter was so interesting, because I learned about the ways to characterize college students, this involves the confident a self-motivated learners and the expectation that they have to learn in the class. Then this chapter explained about the kind of learners in the process of education, this involves anxious, indecisive and unsure learners and the reason to provide the power them giving more freedom in the classroom but with responsibilities.

    In addition, in class is important for teacher and students create a motivation´s environment, where students feel confident to learn and teachers show enthusiasm for teaching, here is important  to consider the use of useful  materials, an organized calendar, a content with adequate assignments and tests, that provide good conditions into the acquisition of a second language process, because teacher has the manage and the control of this activity , this means that the power in the classroom  depends in a big part from the an organized curriculum .

    Therefore, when teachers are the learned-centered in the classroom, they can be able to take decisions about learning, in occasions the power can be redistributed in amounts proportional to student’s ability to handle it, this  if teachers take into consideration that it is necessary . The manage of power in a classroom involves aims, objectives, student´s needs and teacher’s goals. Teachers work with this approach in order to give feedback and use reinforcement to get more assertive students. All of changes like control of activities assignments, classroom policies, course content and evaluation activities involves the teacher´s pleasure for teaching in a communicatory way and encouraged students to gain knowledge. 


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